Additional Slave Owners


Powell > Graves, Elijah - Jones County, MS

In 1860 he owned 10 slaves:

Age 16 Female Black

Age 14  Male Black

Age 12  Male Black

Age 10 Male Black

Age 9 Female Black

Age 8 Male Black  

Age 4 Female Mulatto

Age 2 Male Black

Age 2 Male Black (hopefully this is Aaron Graves below)

Age 1 Female Mulatto (hopefully this is Mary Graves below)

In the 1870 Census there are two black children living in his household:

Mary Graves age 10 (born about 1860) and Aaron Graves age 11 (born about 1859).

Powell > Knight, William H. - Jones County, MS

In 1860 he owned 2 slaves:

Age 17 Female Black

Age 12 Male Black

Rockett > Sharp - Rockingham County, NC

1827 Aug 15 - Adam Sharp is to hold in trust a slave woman Nancy, about age 24, for Elizabeth Meridith and is to sell said slave to pay off Elizabeth’s debts totaling $314.94. Witnesses: A.S. Martin and William McCain. The execution of this was proved at the February 1828 session. (Deed Book 2B, p. 174)

1843 May 1 - James T. Morehead of Guilford Co., NC, versus Rudolphus Dodd, Adam Sharp and others regarding a Negro girl, Lizy, property of Adam Sharp. Joab Hiatt was the highest bidder of $425. The Sheriff of Rockingham delivered the Negro girl to Hiatt. Witness: R.G. Lindsey. (Deed Book 2N, p. 236)

1843 Jul 12 - Adam Sharp gifts to his granddaughter Julia Ann Hiatt and her husband Joab Hiatt one Negro man named Bill age 40 and one Negro man named Bill age 35. Witness: John A. Moring. (Deed Book 2N, p. 266)

1843 Jul 22 - Adam Sharp to Joab Hiatt of Guilford Co., NC, one Negro boy Alexander about age 22. Witness: John A. Mooring. (Deed Book 2N, p. 267)

1843 Nov 1 - Samuel Sharp of Rockingham Co., NC, to his daughter Julia Ann Hiatt and her husband Joab Hiatt 5 Negroes: boy named Tillman about age 18, woman Leah about age 30, Leah’s 3 children: Harriett about age 8, Joe about age 5, and Charles about age 2. Witnesses: E. Willis and Adam Sharp. (Deed Book 2N, p. 234)

1845 Feb 25 - Adam Sharp to Stephen Henry one Negro boy Ellick. Witnesses: Smith Moore and Brown Dye. (Deed Book 2 “O”, p. 156)

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