Lailhengue > Lailhengue & Lassalle - France

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FRANCE to New Orleans, LA: Lailhengue, Andre - immigrated 1882

FRANCE to New Orleans, LA: Lassalle, Frances Jeanne - immigrated 1882

As of November 2023, this post is a current research topic regarding my son-in-law’s ancestors Andre Lailhengue who married Frances Jeanne Lassalle. A living relative MLB has been gracious in sharing what has already been found but hit a brick wall with this couple. I know what that feeling is like. I have several family lines that just don’t want to be found!

I absolutely love the Lailhengue surname! My maiden name is Rockett; so, I gravitate toward rare, unique family names. Even the pronunciation is a bit mysterious:

Lailhengue - pronounced Laa-nen-gew. In French, it would be more like Lay-len-guh (hard g)

We begin with the 1900 U.S. Census, New Orleans, LA where we first meet Andre Lailhenguo, age 45, married for 18 years, immigrated in 1882, and has lived in the US for 18 years. He along with his parents were born in France. He is living with his new family including:

Jeanne, wife, age 47, married for 18 years, immigrated in 1882, has lived in the US for 18 years. She along with her parents were born in France.

This is where we start looking for immigrants from France to New Orleans in 1882.

So, in 1882 from Louisiana, New Orleans Passenger Lists, 1820-1945, 1820-1902 (NARA M259) 064 - 1 Nov 1881 - 6 Nov 1882, Images 385-386:

119. I, ?Recouloux? Master of S/S Dupuy de Lome (mistranscribed Lowe) do solemnly swear to the best of knowledge and belief that his list contains a true account of the Passengers taken on board the Steamer at Havre and bound for New Orleans together with their nationality, etc., as designated. So Help Me God. Signed by Master ??. Sworn and subscribed, before me, this 3rd day of June 1882 J.D. Crawford D’y Collector.

Report and List of Passengers taken on board the S/S Dupuy de Lome of ___ whereof ?Recouloux? Is Master, burthen_____ tons, bound from the Port of Havre re? New York for New Orleans.

Of the 22 passengers on board arriving 3 Jun 1882, the above shows a female Lassalle age 18 from Paris, France. Also on board is a male Loulhengue (Lailhengue) age 38 as a farmer from Paris, France. They were in the Steerage part of the boat. While this Loulhengue may be an uncle or relative, I think there is a strong chance that it is Andre.

The Dupuy-De-Lome steamer being towed into Le Havre port, Graville shipyard… engraving by Fortune-Louis Meaulle, from L'Illustration, Journal Universel, No 2034, Volume LXXIX, February 18, 1882. DeAgostini / Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan at

I did a quick search on  how to get from Paris to Le Havre, France. Here is a modern-day route on the Seine from Paris to Le Havre showing modern locks needed to raise or lower the boat along the way (From


So, what now? Here are some things I’ll be exploring:

² Life in and around Paris in the 1880s: perhaps Andre came from a more rural farm setting

² Family histories for Lailhengues (and its variant spellings Lailheugue, Lailleugue, Lailegue)

ü Passenger ships to New Orleans in 1882

ü Census paper trail - detailing every bit of info found in the 1900-1930 censuses

ü City directories - detailing info found in these starting in 1890 and coming forward

When researching I follow the paper trail starting with the most recent and working back. But when presenting the research, it works better to start with the oldest and work forward.

1882 Jun 3 - arrival at the Port of New Orleans, Louisiana, from Le Havre, France, via New York

Port of New Orleans Wood Engraving Published in 1882, created by ZU_09 at

1882 after Jun 3 - Andre Lailhengue and Frances Jeanne Lassalle get married after arriving

1882-1883 The earliest New Orleans city directories available online are 1882 and 1883, and no target Lailhengues or Lassalles are listed.

1890 U.S. Census - there isn’t one that survived the fire of 1921 at the U.S. Dept. of Commerce.

New Orleans City Directories for the Years:

1890 Lailheugue Andre, business address 365 N. Rocheblave St.

Lassalle Mrs. Jeanne, grocer, 365 N. Rocheblave St., residence same

            This Mrs. Jeanne Lassalle is a relative a some sort!

1891 Lailheugue Andre, grocer, sw cor Aubry, N. Dolhonde (modern-day 1739 N. Dorgenois) St.

Lasalle or Lassalle - none working or living in this area

1892 Lailleugue Henry, grocer, sw cor Aubry, N. Dolhonde (modern-day 1739 Dorgenois) St.

Lasalle or Lassalle - none working or living in this area


            This may be Andre’s first or middle name!

1894 Lailleugue Andre, grocer, Aubry, nw cor N. Dolhonde (modern-day Dorgenois) St.,                             residence same

Lasalle or Lassalle - none working or living in this area

1895 Lailheugue Andre, grocer, Aubry, nw cor N. Dorgenois St., residence same

Lasalle or Lassalle - none working as grocers or at this address

Sometime between 1895 and 1900, Andre moves from the Seventh Ward to the Lower Ninth Ward.

1900 Jun 6-7 Census, New Orleans, Ward 9: 6212 Burgundy St., Andre Lailhenguo is renting a farm, age 45 born Jan 1855, married for 18 years, immigrated in 1882, has lived in the US for 18 years and is a naturalized citizen, he along with his parents were born in France, he can read, write and speak English, and he is a Farmer. He is living with:

Jeanne, wife, age 47 born Nov 1852, married for 18 years, has given birth to 2 children and has 2 children living, immigrated in 1882, has lived in the US for 18 years and is not naturalized, she along with her parents were born in France, she cannot read or write but is able to speak English, and she is not employed;

[Where is Alphonse? The mother says she’s only given birth to 2 children. Alphonse should be age 16.];

Robert, son, age 14 born Sep 1885, single, can read and write, born in Louisiana, he is able to speak English, he is a Harness Maker; and

Paul, son, age 9 born Nov 1890, single, born in Louisiana, he is able to speak English, he is At School.

1902 New Orleans City Directory:

Lailheugue Alphonse, laborer, residence 6212 Burgundy

Lailheugue Andrew, gardener, residence 6212 Burgundy

Between 1902 and 1910, Andre moves closer to the Mississippi River between Holy Cross area and Arabi.

1910 Apr 18-19 Census, New Orleans, Ward 9, Precinct 9: 317 Tupelo St., Andrew Larthengue is renting, age 54, married once for 30 years, immigrated in 1882 and is a naturalized citizen, he along with his parents were born in France and speak French, he is unable to speak English, and he is self-employed as a Gardener. He is living with:

Francis, wife, age 56, married once for 30 years, has given birth to 3 children and has 3 children living, immigrated in 1882 and is not naturalized, she along with her parents were born in France and speak French, she is unable to speak English, and she is not employed;

Alphonse, son, age 26, single, can read and write, born in Louisiana, he is able to speak English, he is a Butcher at a Slaughter House and receives a wage;

Robert, son, age 24, single, can read and write, born in Louisiana, he is able to speak English, he is a Butcher at a Slaughter House and receives a wage; and

Paul, son, age 19, single, can read and write, born in Louisiana, he is able to speak English, he is a Butcher at a Slaughter House and receives a wage.

1912 New Orleans City Directory:

Lailheugue Alphonse, driver, residence 317 Tupelo

Lailheugue Andre, gardener, residence 317 Tupelo

Lailheugue Paul, driver, residence 317 Tupelo

Lailheugue Robert, laborer, residence 317 Tupelo

1916 Apr 24 Alphonse Lailheuge, age 33, marries Katie Gex in New Orleans

1920 Feb 6 Census, New Orleans, Ward 9, Precinct 13: 1220 Flood St. at Marais St., Andrew Laithengue is renting, age 59, an alien, cannot read or write, he along with his parents were born in France and speak French, he is unable to speak English, and he is self-employed as a Gardener. He is living with:

Jenny, wife, age 59, an alien, cannot read or write, she along with her parents were born in France and speak French, she is unable to speak English, and she is not employed (usually given the title “keeping house”);

[Alphonse Lailhegue is married and living in St. Bernard Parish, LA]

Robert, son, age 34, single, can read and write, born in Louisiana, he is able to speak English, he is a Laborer at the Dock Board and receives a wage; and

Paul, son, age 21, single, can read and write, born in Louisiana, he is able to speak English, he is a Laborer and receives a wage.

1921 New Orleans City Directory:

Lailheugue Alphonse, butcher, residence 526 Mehle

Lailheugue Andre, gardener, residence 1220 Flood St.

Lailheugue Paul, fireman, residence 1220 Flood St.

Lailheugue Robert, carpenter, residence 1220 Flood St.

1921 Paul marries Marie E. Biane in New Orleans

1924 New Orleans City Directory:

Lailhegue Alphonse, residence 526 Mehle Ave.

Lailhengue Andri, laborer, residence 1220 Flood St.

Lailhengue Paul, laborer, residence 1218 Flood St.

Lailhengue Robert, laborer, residence 1220 Flood St.

1925 - Andre dies and is buried at St. Vincent de Paul Cemetery #2, Piety Street, New Orleans, Orleans, Louisiana.

1930 Apr 23 Census, New Orleans, Ward 9: 5463 Marais St., Robert Lailheugue owns a home valued at $2,600, age 43, can read and write, he was born in Louisiana, his parents were born in France, he speaks English, and he is a wage-earner as a Refrigerator Man at a Slaughter House. He is living with his mother:

Francis, mother, age 68, widow, married when she was age 18, cannot read or write, she along with her parents were born in France and speak French, immigrated in 1888 and is a naturalized citizen, she is able to speak English, and she is not employed.

Now, at this point you’re probably asking, “Why is Robert head of the house and not his mother?” This is because Louisiana follows Napoleonic Code. In this situation, Andre died without a will. So, his single son inherited any property that he may have owned. I remember when I lived in New Orleans in my early twenties, everyone warned me not to get married or divorced in Louisiana! That is still true to this day - just have a will!

Regarding the immigration year: the census taker was probably talking to Robert. Odds are Robert wouldn’t know the exact year his mother immigrated.

1931 - Frances Jeanne dies and is buried at St. Vincent de Paul Cemetery #2, Piety Street, New Orleans, Orleans, Louisiana.

I think the reason the ages fluctuate so much among the censuses is due to the census taker not speaking French and/or not understanding what he was being told in broken English.

As I come more across possibilities, I’ll update the site to “fish” for possible hints or sources for the names I come across. With fingers crossed and a prayer, hopefully, this family will open up.

After creating this census/city directory timeline, I want to get acquainted with the area(s) where the ancestor lived taken from any documents found. So, following the above, here’s a modern-day map of places he lived and worked in New Orleans including a possible church (based on where he’s buried):

St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, now Blessed Francis X. Seelos, 3053 Dauphine St., New Orleans, LA, in the Bywater District.

So, what now? Here are some more things I’ll be exploring:

² Church parish registers - was there a church near where they were living and working?

Possible St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, now Blessed Francis X. Seelos, 3053                            Dauphine St., New Orleans, LA

² Marriage records - civil and church might show the record

            Not sure if it was a civil or church marriage since he married the same year he arrived                    (1882)

² Relatives - were there any other people mentioned in the above records who might be relatives?

    There do not seem to be any other Lailhengues (or any of the name variants) in the area

    There are other Lassalles who were living there way before Frances Jeanne arrived in            1882. Mrs. Jeanne Lassalle in 1890 at the same address as Andre might lead to something

² Names of children - is there a name(s) that the sons and grandchildren carried down?

For now, here is my son-in-law’s lineage for Andre Lailhengue and his wife, Frances Jeanne Lassalle:

6) André Charles Lailhengue b. 24 Aug 1865 France d. 26 Apr 1925 New Orleans, Orleans, LA m. Frances Jeanne Lassalle b. 10 Nov 1863 France d. 5 Feb 1931 New Orleans, Orleans, LA

5) Pvt. Paul Leon Lailhengue b. 8 Nov 1890 New Orleans, Orleans, LA d. 2 Aug 1962 New Orleans, Orleans, LA m. Marie E. Biane b. 10 Oct 1901 New Orleans, Orleans, LA d. 7 Jul 1972 New Orleans, Orleans, LA

4) Andrew Charles Lailhengue b. 17 Apr 1926 New Orleans, Orleans, LA d. 15 Feb 2004 Chalmette, St. Bernard, LA m. Virginia Iris Botkin b. 13 Jun 1924 Dayton, Montgomery, OH d. 17 Oct 1983 Chalmette, St. Bernard, LA

3) Private (information withheld) and Private (information withheld)

2) Private (information withheld) and Private (information withheld)

1) BAC, my son-in-law (living - information withheld)

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